Friday, November 27, 2009

Myspace "scene kids"?

Anna Intoxicated-

"Sarah Scream"-

"Jesse Cupcake"-Cupcake"

like, do they get noticed, and how do they get so many friends?

why do they think there "famous" ?


Myspace "scene kids"?

Its a pathetic trend.

Myspace "scene kids"?

I think they are famous because they look different and pretty at the same time.

Myspace "scene kids"?

i don't know why don't you try.

Myspace "scene kids"?

They probably have 3,000 friends, but only know 10 in person.

Myspace "scene kids"?

lol, they get friends because there are other scene kids like them that want friends to comment their unique-just-like-everyone-else pictures with oh so original friends i mean myspace friends. that says nothing for real life

Myspace "scene kids"?

Scenesters make me vomit. No one cares if you thinks guns look cool, watch cheesy horror movies or think dinosaurs are "rad". Go choke on your latte.

Myspace "scene kids"?

1) i think they're cool. Just cause they're diff. doesn't mean they are weird.

2) Anybody can have alot of friends, but you probably dont know them all.

3) Everyone thinks they're famous in a way.

Myspace "scene kids"?

The first is a fake!

The second is a tramp!

And the third link doesn't work!

And they are not famous! They just need attention!

Myspace "scene kids"?

Maybe it's because people like you post links to their sites and curious people like me click the link and add them as friends to see their profile and how many friends they have. Did you ever think about that?

Myspace "scene kids"?

No, they don't think they're famous. It's a myspace term, "myspace famous". They join trains, and friend adders to get that many friends. It's a trend that some scene kids do.

Honestly if you're curious as to what friend adders are try this,

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